Keyboard Commands and Selection Short-cuts Tab : in the Exercises window and in the Word Editor window, the tab key moves the insertion point to the next text panel. In the Browse window it rotates the T/M menu. The Return key on the main A-Z keyboard, or the Enter key on the numeric keypad: both these keys operate the 'Check My Answer', 'Re-Check Answer', and 'Next Word' button in the Exercises window. For this keyboard command to work, you need to check the checkbox called 'Check Answer Button Default?' in the Preferences window (via the DB menu). The Return key on the main A-Z keyboard tells the program to Find the word you have typed in the Find box. ⌘F activates the Find box ready for typing. ⌘J operates the lower big button in the Exercises window. ⌘R operates the 'Enter' button in the Word Editor window. Option+click : to play sound associated with the selected word or to find the word that you clicked on. Shift+click : to select adjacent words in a scroll-list. ⌘+click : to select non-adjacent words in a scroll-list. Backspace/delete deletes a selected word or several selected words from a Group. WARNING: don't use the Delete button in the Browse window for this; it deletes the whole group. Option+spacebar types a non-breaking space (sometimes useful in translations). Other keyboard commands are shown in the pull-down menus on the Menu bar, e.g. ⌘E opens the Exercises window. Standard editing commands can be used in the comments-box, e.g. ⌘B for bold type, double-click to select a whole word, and ⌘A to select the whole contents of the comments-box. F9 (function key) works in the Word Editor window as ⌘R i.e. the 'Enter' button but additionally it selects the next entry from the dictionary. It is useful for correcting translations in several words. F8 (function key) switches between the native and the foreign font/layout in the comments-box. F12 (function key) or the TAB key rotates the T/M menu in the Browse window.